Most paintings on
this web site it have been sold to public and private collector around the
world from 1985 - 2003. His original works are found in public and private
collections around the world. Owners include: the Emir of Bahrain; the
Arab Emirates; the Foreign Office (Dubai); the Gulf International, UIC,
UOB and DBS Banks (Singapore); BP Petroleum; the Crown Prince, Marina
Mandarin, Oriental and Glass Hotels (Singapore); the Singapore Trade
Commission (Taiwan); the Ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs and
Defenses (Singapore); Vogel Park (Hamburg, Germany); Japan Fleet Services
(Singapore); Hotel Istana (Kuala Lumpur), the Penang Museum
Art of James Tan |
James Tan graduated from the Singapore Academy of Art in 1972 and
continued his studies with Chinese brush painting masters in
Singapore, Taiwan and San Francisco until 1980 establishing himself as
a master of the traditional and Lingnan schools of Chinese brush
painting with his own distinctive style. He has taught and lectured
extensively world-wide, including The National Museum Art Gallery
(Singapore), The Victoria and Albert Museum in London. and annual
lecture & demonstration at the arts in Action? festival in London,
U.K. Mr. Tan has won an extensive list of awards and honors and has
exhibited extensively. 38 one-man shows in Singapore, Japan, Thailand,
Dubai, Bahrain, Australia, England, Germany, the U.S.A., and Canada.
New Book come in E book version / 160 pages / 266 pages version